====== Installer IIS sous Windows XP Home ====== __OS__: Windows XP Home Edition SP2 __Problème__: Sous Win XP Home, IIS n'est pas présent, contrairement à la version Pro de Win XP. Il est néanmoins possible d'installer une version permettant de faire du développement local à partir d'une version de Windows 2000. __Solution__: Il est nécessaire d'avoir le CD de Win XP Home et un CD de Windows 2000. Perso, j'ai utilisé: le CD de Dell contenant l'OS en français et un CD de Windows 2000 Advanced Server anglais. * ouvrir C:\WINDOWS\INF\SYSOC.INF * remplacer la ligne iis=iis.dll,OcEntry,iis.inf,hide,7 par iis=iis2.dll,OcEntry,iis2.inf,,7 * Depuis le CD de Win 2000, copier D:\I386\iis.dl_ et D:\I386\iis.in_ vers un dossier. * à partir d'un shell au niveau du dossier, lancer: expand iis.dl_ iis2.dll expand iis.in_ iis2.inf * cela crée les deux fichiers iis2.dll et iis2.inf * copier iis2.inf vers C:\Windows\INF * copier iis2.dll vers C:\Windows\System32\Setup * dans le panneau de configuration -> ajout de programme -> ajout de composants Windows -> IIS * déselectionner SMTP * démarrer l'installation * le CD de Windows 2000 est demandé. Spécifier D:\I386 * faire de même quand le CD de Win XP Home est demandé * l'installation de IIS est faite ! __Configurer IIS__: Apparemment, seule l'authentification via NTLM (ou Integrated Windows Authentication) fonctionne. Pour IE, cela fonctionne par défaut. Pour Firefox, il reste une option à configurer: * about:config * chercher network.autodial-helper.enabled et vérifier que la valeur est à True * chercher network.automatic-ntlm-auth.trusted-uris et rajouter la valeur alaxoscom.yourwebhostingmysql.com __Note__: sans cette modification de Firefox, un popup avec login+pwd est affiché. ---- == Edit du 26.07.2009 == Cette procédure n'a pas fonctionné après une réinstallation de Windows XP Home. Une recherche sur le net m'a permis de compléter cette installation: __IIS Configuration__ When cross-installing IIS from Windows 2000 to Windows XP Home, the default Directory Security and Home Directory settings will not work correctly out-of-the-box. Configure Directory Security The default IIS account is IUSR_NAME. We need to replace this with NAME\IUSR_NAME (where NAME is your computer name.) IIS User Accounts IIS creates some user accounts, based on your computer's name, that it uses to run ASP applications: IUSR_NAME and IWAM_NAME, where NAME is the name of your computer. This allows custom security settings to be applied to ASP and ISAPI applications. - Start Internet Services Manager from Administrative Tools. - Your computer will appear under Internet Information Services. Right-click on your computer and choose Properties. - Select Master WWW Service in the drop-down, then click Edit.... - Select the Directory Security tab. - Under Anonymous access and authentication control click Edit... - In the Authentication Methods form, make sure only Anonymous access is checked, then click Edit.... - The default username will be IUSR_NAME. We need to replace this with NAME\IUSR_NAME where NAME is your computer name. You can type it in manually or use these steps: - Click the Browse... button. - On the Select User form click the Advanced... button in the bottom left. - Click the Find Now button in the middle-right of this form. - Select IUSR_NAME in the user list at the bottom of the form, then click OK - Click OK to dismiss the Select User form. - Uncheck Allow IIS to control password. (This is important!) - Click OK to dismiss the Anonymous User Account form. - Click OK to dismiss the Authentication Methods form. - Click OK to dismiss the WWW Service Master Properties form. - Click OK to dismiss the Computername Properties form. If you see "The requested resource is in use." trying to access your new web server, follow the Home Directory steps below to modify the Application Protection settings for the default web site. Configure Home Directory With Internet Services Manager: - Your computer will appear under Internet Information Services. Click on your computer to expand its list of servers. - Right-click on Default Web Server and choose Properties. - Select the Home Directory tab. - In the Application Protection drop-down under Application Settings choose Low (IIS Process). - Click OK to dismiss the form. The default website may not work If you go to http://localhost in a browser, chances are you will see an ASP error on line 19. Don't panic. IUSR_NAME does not have permission to run the default IIS website. The default IIS website attempts to create admin-only ActiveX objects. ====== Installation de IIS après .Net ====== Si l'on installe IIS après l'installation de .Net, IIS n'est pas capable de faire tourner des applis .Net. Pour cela, il est nécessaire de lancer la commande suivante qui installe ASP.Net: aspnet_regiis -i Si la commande n'est pas dans le Path, ouvrir l'invite de commande depuis le menu démarrer -> outils Visual Studio -> ... ====== Configurer le serveur FTP ====== __OS__: Windows Server 2003 __IIS__: 6.0 __Problème__: Après installation du service FTP, par défaut impossible de se connecter avec un client comme FileZilla. __Raison__: Accès en mode passif n'est pas possible. Pour cela, il faut configurer le FTP et le firewall de Windows afin de permettre des connexions sur d'autres ports que le 21. __Source__: http://www.newagedigital.com/cgi-bin/newagedigital/articles/ms-firewall-ftp.html ===== On Windows 2003 Server with IIS6 ===== * To Enable Direct Metabase Edit - Open the IIS Microsoft Management Console (MMC). - Right-click on the Local Computer node. - Select Properties. - Make sure the Enable Direct Metabase Edit checkbox is checked. * Configure PassivePortRange via ADSUTIL script - Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK. - Type cd Inetpub\AdminScripts and then press ENTER. - Type the following command where the range is specified in "..". cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set /MSFTPSVC/PassivePortRange "5001-5201" - Restart the FTP Publishing Service. * You'll see the following output, when you configure via ADSUTIL script: Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.6 Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2001. All rights reserved. PassivePortRange : (STRING) "5001-5201" * Add each port to the Windows Firewall - Click Start, click Control Panel, open Windows Firewall, and select the Exceptions tab. - Click the Add Port button. - Enter a Name for the Exception and the first number in the port range. - Click TCP if not already selected and click OK. - Repeat for each port in the range - for large ranges see the end of the document. - Enable the Windows Firewall on the General Tab. * To add a range of ports to Windows Firewall from the Command Line - Click Start, click Run, type cmd, and then click OK. - Type in the following where the range is specified in ( ) and the name of the firewall entry is in " ". FOR /L %I IN (5001,1,5201) DO netsh firewall add portopening TCP %I "Passive FTP"%I - Each port in the range will be added with an "OK" confirmation. http://www.simongibson.com/intranet/ftp2003/ ===== The FTP Root Directory ===== In order to use FTP in "Isolation" mode, we need to construct the FTP Root so that users are "Dropped" into their correct home directory. The structure illustrated above contains two subdirectories, "localuser" and my domain "simongibson" which contain home directories for each user. These user sub-directories must match their respective username exactly. If not, the user will not be able to log onto your FTP server. Create the directory structure above to match your configuration. The "FTPRoot" directory can be placed anywhere on your system.